Work Packages

The methodology plan involves eight Work Packages (WP), as briefly described below.
The structure of the scheduled activities (multidisciplinary and interconnected) is designed to maximise the impact of the project, leverage the collaboration among the team members and provide quality control and assurance for the project deliverables. The planned WPs encompass not only the development of innovative methods, techniques, and systems but foremost commercialization, training, and knowledge transfer.

WP1 Project Management and Dissemination (M01-M36): WP1, led by UCY, serves as the link between the project consortium and the European Commission, and as the means for the effective management of all project-related activities for the continuous evaluation of the project progress, the successful development and submission of deliverables and the mitigation of potential risks. The Coordinating Organization (CO) will be responsible for the scientific, financial, and administrative coordination of the project and act as an intermediary between the project partners and the funding agency. Task leaders assigned to each WP will be responsible for coordinating and assuring the quality of work of the team assigned to the corresponding WP. Further, WP1 will include all dissemination activities for (i) increasing the transfer of knowledge between the involved partners and (ii) informing and involving relevant target groups (i.e., municipalities, SMEs, technical chambers, key governmental stakeholders, the scientific community, and the general public).


WP2 Functional Requirements and System Architecture (M02-M06): WP2, led by SGX, aims the development of functional requirements for PAVE-SCAN and its platform architecture, to enable the envisioned roadway network distress detection, appraisal, and management. The platform will integrate various hardware components, developed, or hosted by the consortium members (such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, RDBMS servers, sensor data, custom ML/MV algorithms, geographical information systems (GIS), and PAVE-SCAN-acquired pavement distress data and related traffic models by the HO, P3, and P4.


WP3 Hardware Development (M04-M24): WP3, led by SGX, focuses on the development of the PAVE-SCAN low-cost EGNSS-based sensor technology (EGNOS, Galileo, GPS vibration, video, lidar, OBD) with RTK extension capabilities for the condition appraisal of roadway pavements. The custom-developed vibration sensors, coupled with onboard diagnostic (OBD) devices, will be utilised in the detection of roadway pavement anomalies, while coupled video and lidar data will be used for increased geo-accuracy.


WP4 Software Development (M06-M24): WP4, led by ELEC, aims the development of several ML and MV algorithms and of participatory sensing amalgamation techniques for the condition-appraisal of roadway pavements. Further, WP4 will develop an Augmented Reality (AR) application for roadway pavements, a mobile application for use by citizens, and a GIS-based DSS for roadway pavement management.


WP5 System Integration (M12-M28): WP5, led by GEO, will assimilate the outputs of WP2-WP4 into a GIS-based decision support system (DSS) and a PMS for the integrated low-cost assessment of roadway pavements. Further to the integration of developed algorithms and processes (e.g., time-series analysis, distress detection, classification, etc.), the proposed DSS will encapsulate post-processing graph modules (GIS, heatmaps, etc.) and suggestions for pavement maintenance frequency and task prioritisation.


WP6 Citizen’s Lab (M18-M30): WP6, led by AUTH, will focus on the role, involvement, and engagement of the citizens in the pavement condition-assessment process, as well as in the data provision. The engagement of citizens in this process can also increase the transparency and accountability of the project, as well as promote public awareness and support for the importance of pavement condition assessment and management. This WP will establish a detailed plan to guide the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of engaging citizens and equip citizens with tools to replicate and multiply the project’s results in the future also in different circumstances. The final aim will be to encourage citizens to identify the impact of poor pavement conditions on air quality.


WP7 Pilot Implementation, ‘Living Labs’ and Capacity Building (M24-M33): WP7 will manage the implementation on the pilot-study roadway networks of technologies developed in WP3-WP7. The networks (in CY, MT, ES, IT, EE) will serve as living labs, their condition be assessed using buses and/or vehicles retrofitted with the PAVE-SCAN sensors and the acquired data will then be processed by the PAVE-SCAN platform for the creation of related pavement-condition spatiotemporal maps and PMS action plans. WP7 will also include knowledge-transfer and capacity-building actions, in which the research and industrial partners will transfer the developed knowledge (hardware/software, models, maps, and related action plans) to bus operators and to the authorities tasked with the O&M of the roadway network. WP7 is led by NPT.


WP8 Exploitation and Commercialization (M01-M36): WP8 shall act as the main interface between the project, potential users and relevant stakeholders, both academic and industrial, policymakers, and the general public. Its focus is to constantly raise awareness towards the project advancements and to successfully match project results with current and emerging exploitation opportunities from early on. Further to the implementation of the project’s Data Management Plan (DMP) as a well-suited framework for the collection, usage, and distribution of project-related information and data, and IPR management, WP8 will undertake the performance of a detailed analysis of the PAVE-SCAN market and innovation environment, including the elaboration of the state-of-the-art and the added value generated by project results, the identification of target user groups and stakeholders as well as their relations (value network) and socio-economic impacts triggered by PAVE-SCAN offerings. WP8 will be led by BRIR.