Project Kick-off Meeting held at EUSPA’s headquarters (Prague)

  • Events
  • Project Kick-off Meeting held at EUSPA’s headquarters (Prague)

…. aaaand, we have a liftoff!

The ‘PAVE-SCAN’ project formally took off in January 2024, with the kickoff meeting at EUSPA’s Headquarters, in Prague, on January 9th 2024.

The project shall bring to market EGNSS-based, low-cost technologies for the assessment of roadway pavements, by use of:

  • vibration, vision, and lidar sensors;
  • webGIS, DSS and PMS digital platforms;
  • augmented reality and SmartCity technologies;
  • artificial intelligence, machine learning, and machine vision modules;
  • probe-vehicles (buses) and participatory sensing.

The meeting, further to giving the project consortium members the chance to meet with the Project Officer and the Project Coordinator and be briefed by them on several issues about the project, it served as a forum for exchanging knowledge between the partners and for fine-tuning the tasks and actions needed for the first phase of the project (months 1-6).

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